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PC shipments drop as consumers opt for tablets

13 января 2012

Worldwide shipments of PCs fell 1.4% in the last quarter of 2010, as consumers opted for tablets over the Christmas period.

According to preliminary figures from Gartner, worldwide PC shipments totaled 92.2 million units in the fourth quarter of 2011. PC shipments in EMEA (Europe, the Middle East and Africa) totaled 29 million, a 9.6% decline from the fourth quarter of 2010. Weak consumer demand in mature markets was blamed for the fall in the fourth quarter, despite good growth in the professional market, said Gartner.

Worldwide PC shipments for the full year 2011 were 352.8 million units, a small 0.5% increase from 2010. 

“The professional PC segment performed well as end of year budgets were used to purchase PCs, but we expect the segment will face a difficult year as many verticals are expecting a much tougher business environment in 2012,” said Ranjit Atwal, research director at Gartner.

“We expect most vendors will put their emphasis on ultrabooks and Windows 8 in 2012. However, with the divergence of consumer spend toward alternative devices intensifying in 2012, the new ultrabook platform and surrounding ecosystem will need to form a highly compelling proposition to withstand this competition for consumer spend from other devices,” he said.

HP shipped the most units during the period, maintaining its lead over Lenovo in second place. Acer had the worst performance of the quarter among the top five vendors, and continued to decline more than 30% year-on-year.

Lenovo experienced the strongest growth, as its PC shipments grew 23% in the fourth quarter of 2011. The company’s growth was attributed to its aggressive pricing in both the professional and consumer markets, said Gartner.

The floods in Thailand at the end of last year had a limited impact on PC shipments, as the country is one of the main manufacturers of hard-disk drives, said Gartner. However, the research company expects figures in the first half of 2012 to continue to fall, reflecting the effects of the disaster.

Preliminary worldwide PC shipments for 2011 (Gartner)


2011 Shipments

2011 Market Share (%)

2010 Shipments

2010 Market Share (%)

2011-2010 Growth (%)


60,554,726  17.2   





 45,703,863   13.0  38,180,444  10.9  19.7

 42,864,759  12.1  42,119,272

 12.0  1.8
 Acer Group

 39,415,381  11.2



 ASUS  20,768,465  5.9  18,902,723  5.4  9.9
 Others  143,499,792  40.7  140,198,078  40.0  2.4

 352,806,984  100.0 




Источник: Computerworld

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