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KT Corp forms consortium with 13 operators for Asia submarine cable

21 декабря 2011

KT Corp., South Korea's largest fixed-line operator and second-largest mobile carrier by revenue after SK Telecom Co., said Tuesday that it has formed a consortium with 13 global mobile operators, including Japan's NTT Communications Corp., to develop an Asian submarine cable.

The undersea fiber optic cable, named the Asia Pacific Gateway, will be a 10,000 kilometer link connecting nine Asian countries: South Korea, China, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore.

"The reason why we are building this cable is to better meet the rapidly increasing customer demand for data traffic following the smartphone boom and to address the fast increasing export of (mobile) contents," said a KT spokesman.

The spokesman declined to put a value on the project.

The construction of the cable will begin early 2012 and telecom company expects to complete it by early 2014 to start the service from the cable.

KT also said Japan's NEC will do the construction work.

Источник: Total Telecom

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