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Sprint Nextel Deploys First Multi-Mode Base Station

07 декабря 2011

USA based Sprint Nextel says that it has deployed its first multi-mode base station, as part of its wide ranging network upgrade plan.

The new base station can radiate multiple spectrum bands (1.9GHz and 800MHz) from a single base station, powering both CDMA 1x and EVDO services.

The new base station is fully integrated with the existing network and initial tests show performance improvements are in line with expectations.

Announced in Dec. 2010, Network Vision is a blueprint to consolidate multiple network technologies into one seamless network. Through spectrum efficiencies associated with Network Vision, Sprint intends to repurpose some of its 800MHz spectrum for Sprint 3G service, thereby enhancing coverage, particularly the in-building experience for customers. Augmenting its 1.9GHz footprint with 800MHz, Sprint expects its CDMA coverage density will increase throughout the country.

Network Vision is expected to cost an incremental $4 billion to $5 billion and deliver $10 billion to $11 billion in net economic value to the company between 2011 and 2017, with a projected NPV of approximately $6 billion. The primary components of value come from reduced roaming, cell-site reduction, the elimination of dual networks, backhaul efficiencies, reduced churn, more efficient use of capital and energy cost savings.

Sprint previously announced that Network Vision is a three year program with market deployments beginning in 2012 and ending in early 2014. Sprint expects to make additional announcements about market deployments early next year.


Источник: Cellular news

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