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Mobile wallet to revolutionise advertising

28 ноября 2011

Advertising campaigners will be able to use location specific information from a customer's mobile phone to track how an individual views an advert and the subsequent sales return, according to a co-authored report by Greenwich Consulting and law firm Olswang.

"You have a model where... you're essentially getting charged as a retailer [for your ad] when there's a visit [into your store]," Fred Huet, managing partner at Greenwich Consulting, told Total Telecom on Friday.

"The increasing pervasiveness of smartphones is naturally driving digital payment into the real world, unlocking new services, and, through a combination of smartphone functionality and cloud data storage, allowing what we call 'intelligent payment'," stated the report, written by Huet and Rob Bratby, managing partner at Olswang.

"The referencing and pay-per-click model that made Google so powerful online applies to physical stores as well [as virtual], because intelligent payment makes it possible to track viewers of real-world ads, check whether they contribute to the footfall increase or not, and pay the campaign depending on its ROI," the report added.

And these new models will provide a potential revenue stream for telecoms operators.

"[For operators] it's about providing the platform for others to build the services," Huet explained. Operators have the opportunity to indirectly gain revenue through advertisers, loyalty card companies, and white labelled mobile wallet platforms.

Additionally, intelligent payment could give way to a 'loyalty application' that would allow advertising to benefit from 'social shopping'.

"The loyalty application will take a look at your purchase history, but take a look also at the purchase history of your friends and your social network before it pushes a coupon," an anonymous mobile network operator was quoted as saying, in the report.

The report was based on a survey carried out among different mobile payment service providers, including mobile network operators.

The survey showed that security is a top-level concern to all the players in the value chain. It emphasised that mobile wallet providers must develop adequate security measures to gain the trust of their customers before intelligent payment can be widely adopted.

"We know that the first big fraud on mobile money is going to be all over the press and we know the damage that can do," an unnamed interviewee said.

Mobile wallet providers must also be careful how they educate their customers, and must reassure them that their money and data are safe.

"The operators have got tremendous assets," such as encrypted SIM card technology, Huet said. "On the technical side... it's a safe solution.

"Of course, this is not enough. You need to convince the consumer as well," he added.

"Companies that want to be successful need to create a trusted relationship... in terms of money and in terms of customer data," to ensure that consumers do not feel that the technology is too invasive or insecure, Huet concluded.


Источник: Total Telecom

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