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Spectrum Bridge declares successful white-space database trial

11 ноября 2011

Spectrum Bridge, a pioneer in the use of a database that is designed to mitigate interference in the white spaces spectrum, said it has finished a successful field trial of the database and has asked the FCC to certify its database.

The FCC tested Spectrum Bridge's database system for 45 days to ensure it correctly identified the white-space bands that can be used at any given time.

"As a result of the completion of the 45 day trial, we have respectfully requested that the FCC certify the database solution," the company wrote in a blog post. "We believe that this technology has the potential to revolutionize the wireless industry as it can be implemented in additional spectrum bands to help alleviate the spectrum scarcity issues currently facing the wireless industry."

Since white-space is located in the unused slivers of broadcast TV spectrum, databases are required to enable devices to dynamically locate vacant spectrum. Using geolocation, the databases should detect interference with TV broadcasts and other signals and allow white-space devices to jump to free spectrum. The FCC has approved 10 different database providers.

Spectrum Bridge's 45-day trial started on Sept. 19 and was completed on Nov. 2. Spectrum Bridge formally filed a summary report of the database trial which can be found here on the FCC's electronic filing system.

"We are now one step closer to the official certification of the world's first TV white spaces database solution," the company said. The FCC will now open the floor for the comment period, which allows all interested parties to submit any final comments.

Источник: FierceBroadbandWireless

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