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Ofcom chief insists UK LTE auction 'on schedule'

11 ноября 2011

The head of Ofcom this week insisted that the U.K. is on track with plans for LTE services, just days before a government spokesman called for the auction of spectrum to take place as soon as possible.

"We're on schedule with our deployment plan," Ofcom chief executive Ed Richards told Total Telecom on the sidelines of Total Telecom World earlier this week.

It is "important that the U.K. deploys LTE as soon as possible," he added.

However, Ofcom came under fire on Thursday from the government's spectrum policy chief for delaying the country's LTE auction until the fourth quarter of 2012.

"We need to get on with this auction and do it as soon as possible," said Simon Dowler, head of spectrum, broadband and international ICT policy at the government's Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS), in a report by PC Pro.

Addressing a Westminster eForum event, he said the U.K. needs "more spectrum, more masts or both" in order to improve the country's mobile network capacity and connection speeds.

Ofcom's current deployment plan might be on track, but it is a plan that was updated in early October to allow for a further round of consultation.

"The auction itself would then follow a few months later, perhaps starting in Q4 2012," said the watchdog at the time.

Ofcom's alteration to the auction schedule was made a month after a spokesman for the regulator reassured Total Telecom that it still planned to sell airwaves in the first half of next year. He warned at the time that outstanding technical issues would prevent mobile operators from deploying their next generation mobile networks until 2013 at the earliest.

With the spectrum auction now not taking place until the fourth quarter of 2012 at the earliest, LTE rollouts are also likely to face delays.

Источник: Total Telecom

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