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Taiwan to Bring Forward 4G License Tender

08 ноября 2011

Taiwan's government plans to award its 4G licenses in 2013, two years ahead of the original schedule, the Taiwan Economic News has reported.

The licenses will be technology neutral, although it is expected that the networks will stick to LTE for their deployments following difficulties with previous WiMAX rollouts.

The government had originally planned to release the 4G licenses in July 2015 after retrieving GSM radio spectrum that expires in June 2015 and is not expected to be renewed for such services. In addition to the GSM spectrum, the government will offer capacity in either the 700Mhz or 2.6Ghz bands.

The 700Mhz band is currently held by the military whereas the 2.6Ghz spectrum is unallocated. However the networks can be expected to favour the lower bands due to the chyeaper cost of deploying rural coverage.

Источник: telecoms.com

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