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Mobile devices account for 6.8% of total US data traffic in August

12 октября 2011

Smartphones and tablets are prompting users to consume more media offerings while at the same time taking up more bandwidth, according to a new report from market researcher comScore Inc.

Mobile devices accounted for 6.8% of U.S. data traffic in August, two-thirds of which came from mobile phones, the research company said. More than a third of U.S. digital traffic through mobile phones came through a WiFi connection, up almost 3 percentage points over the three months.

Smartphones and tablets have proven highly profitable for electronics makers as spending on other devices, such as personal computers, shows signs of slowing. At the same time, the sector's explosive growth is posing a challenge for network operators tasked with keeping up with surging data use.

The ComScore report also highlighted the mobile devices' potential to spur more online sales, with 56% of tablet owners using the devices to look up product or price information for a specific store. Amazon.com Inc.'s recently launched Kindle Fire tablet is widely seen at trying to capitalize on this trend by pricing the devices to sell with the expectation that consumers will use them to buy more products on its online store.

The survey found 58% of tablet owners consumed world, national or local news on their devices, with one in four viewing such content on a near-daily basis.

Источник: Total Telecom

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