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Sweden Starts 1800Mhz Radio Spectrum Auction

12 октября 2011

Sweden's telecoms regulator, the PTS has started an auction for blocks of 1800Mhz radio spectrum. The auction assigns 2×35 MHz of spectrum. In the band there are also existing licensees who hold a total of 2x35 MHz.

The auction will be conducted in two stages.

In stage 1 the auction divides 2×35 MHz among bidders. Both new entrants and existing licencees in the 1800 MHz band can participate. There is no limit to the amount of spectrum a bidder can buy.

In stage 2 the placement of the bidders' spectrum in the band is determined. The winning bidders from the first stage and the existing licensees who already have licenses in the band may participate. The placement stage therefore includes 2x70 MHz.

All licensees in the band are guaranteed to have contiguous spectrum.

The licenses are service-neutral and also technology-neutral (with certain restrictions), allowing licensees to choose which technologies and which services will be used in the band.

Источник: Cellular news

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