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New MVNO targets Africans working in UK

05 октября 2011

A new MVNO has launched in the UK, targeted exclusively at the African migrant community, claiming to be the first player to launch prepaid mobile credit transfer over SMS between the UK and Africa. The service effectively allows African callers to reverse charge calls to the UK.

Vizz Africa will provide a dedicated mobile SIM card to allow the African community living, working and travelling to the UK, to communicate with their friends and relatives in Africa at discounted rates.

The company claims to have agreements with all of the African operators, and the service allows users to transfer pre-paid mobile credits to loved ones back in Africa safely.

“We wanted to launch MVNOs targeted towards specific communities,” Pat Nabhan, CEO of parent company QiComm, told Telecoms.com. “The first one was with Dialog Vizz for the Sri Lankan community. We wanted to see how successful that could be and we’re now at 10,000 activations per month,” he added.

He added that the firm has plans to launch international mobile money transfer services in addition to airtime credit transfer, but that a number of banking regulatory hurdles remain to be negotiated.

“There are plans, but we’re taking things one step at a time,” he said.

Источник: telecoms.com

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