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Gartner trims global media tablet sales forecast for year

23 сентября 2011

Worldwide media tablet sales are set to total 63.6 million units this year, according to market-research firm Gartner Inc., a slight moderation from the level expected earlier this year.

Still, tablet sales in 2011 look on track to far exceed sales of 17.6 million units recorded last year. Gartner in April forecast tablet sales of 69.8 million units for the year.

Weighing down the sales forecast for the year, Gartner said, is sluggish sales of tablets with Google Inc.'s Android operating system. The firm estimates Android tablets are on pace to ship 11 million units, down from its April estimate of 13.9 million units.

"So far, Android's appeal in the tablet market has been constrained by high prices, weak user interface and limited tablet applications," said Carolina Milanesi, research vice president at Gartner.

Sales of Apple Inc.'s iPad, leading the market with an estimated 73% percent of worldwide media tablet sales this year, are expected to total 46.7 million units.

Gartner expects tablet sales to continue on a strong pace through 2015, when sales are forecast to reach 326.3 million units.

Источник: Total Telecom

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