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BT announces latest locations for fibre broadband

20 сентября 2011

UK telco BT has revealed the locations of a further 114 exchanges where it will install fibre-based infrastructure, which together will serve more than one million homes and businesses.

The latest upgrades are to be carried out by BT’s Openreach division, and are expected to be completed by autumn 2012. The locations of other exchanges which are to be upgraded to fibre are expected to be announced over the coming months.

BT has committed itself to investing £2.5bn ($3.95bn) in its fibre upgrade programme, which will make super-fast broadband connections available to two-thirds of UK homes and businesses by the end of 2015, using a mixture of Fibre-to-the-Cabinet (FTTC) and Fibre-to-the-Premise (FTTP) technologies.

“I am pleased to be able to reveal the latest locations where we will make fibre broadband available,” said Mike Galvin, managing director for Next Generation Access at BT Openreach. “Our roll out is one of the fastest in the world and we are on track to pass ten million homes and businesses next year before pushing on further […] We believe that the government’s support makes it possible to get fibre to ninety per cent of homes and so we will be engaging with Broadband Delivery UK and local councils to offer our help and expertise.”

Источник: telecoms.com

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