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France Telecom brand to disappear by summer 2012

16 сентября 2011

France Telecom is forging ahead with plans to abandon its corporate brand in favour of the Orange name within the next 12 months.

According to French newspaper La Tribune, France Telecom in an internal document revealed plans to change its name to Orange in time for its annual general meeting in summer 2012.

The first step will be to change the email addresses of staff members, which will happen on 19 September, the paper added. The telco will also change its stock exchange listing to Orange.

France Telecom revealed that it would shed its legacy brand some two and a half years ago. At the company's 2008 financial results announcement in March 2009 then-CEO Didier Lombard announced the rebranding plan. He did not give a specific timeframe, but the fact that the decision was presented as part of France Telecom's three-year 'Orange 2012' strategy provided a strong hint as to a possible date.

The French incumbent adopted 'Orange' as the sole brand for its Internet, TV and mobile services in most of its operating countries in 2006. Orange Business Services became the brand for all its business service offerings worldwide, replacing the then-well-known 'Equant' name.

However, in its 2008 annual report the company recognised that its “single-brand strategy... may in certain circumstances not be as successful as anticipated.”

It seems the telco is now ready to take the next step.


Источник: Total Telecom

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