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Worldwide UMTS-HSPA Subscriptions Surpass Three Quarters of a Billion

15 сентября 2011

In 2Q 2011, Latin America saw remarkable uptake of mobile broadband with an annual growth rate of more than 90 percent, close to double the number of mobile broadband subscriptions, for UMTS-HSPA, reports 4G Americas, based on subscription data from Informa Telecoms & Media.

Compared to a total base of 29.5 million UMTS-HSPA connections reported in the second quarter 2010, there were 56.1 million UMTS-HSPA connections reported at the second quarter of 2011.


In the Americas region, 3GPP technologies (GSM-UMTS-HSPA-LTE) grew by 19.26 million new subscriptions, of the total (net) 19.4 million mobile subscriptions added in the second quarter 2011 and represent 99.26 percent of the total new connections added in North, Central and South America.

A huge shift from 2G technologies is evident in the Americas region, with 3GPP mobile broadband subscriptions rising from 92 million at the end of second quarter 2010 up to 145 million as of June 2011.

3GPP technologies held a market share of 76 percent at June 30 in North, Central and South America, In the second quarter 2011 alone, GSM added almost 5 million new connections, while UMTS-HSPA added more than 13 million new connections and LTE added 1.23 million, for a total of 19.26 million new connections.

Total 3GPP subscriptions in the Americas reached 717 million as of June 2011, an increase of nearly 83 million new subscriptions in the region from June 2010 to June 2011.

"The 3GPP wireless technologies continue to lead the way in the Americas as one of the most prolific technology inventions for society," stated Chris Pearson, President of 4G Americas. "HSPA and HSPA+ have provided a ubiquitous foundation for fast mobile broadband in North, Central and South America and LTE momentum is beginning to pick up in North America and the rest of the world."

USA and Canada

In the USA and Canada, 3GPP technologies added a net 3.1 million new subscribers of the net total 4.7 new subscriptions in the second quarter of 2011. Included in this quarterly number were 6.6 million new mobile broadband (UMTS-HSPA) connections and 1.2 million LTE connections reflecting the customer shift from the second generation GSM and CDMA subscriber base to the next-generation technologies. UMTS-HSPA subscriptions totaled nearly 89 million at the end of second quarter 2011, up 41 percent from one year earlier when UMTS-HSPA subscriptions totaled nearly 63 million.

Today, there are 16 commercially deployed HSPA networks in the U.S. and Canada, including 5 HSPA+ networks, an increase of 5 commercial networks since June 2010.

There are 3 LTE networks in the U.S. and Canada with 8 additional commercial launches expected by the end of 2011. LTE subscriptions achieved almost 2 million worldwide with North American subscriptions representing 93 percent of the global LTE subscriber base.

"With the large North American CDMA operators shifting towards LTE for their next generation networks, we will see an even larger portion of net additions coming from 3GPP technologies, most notably LTE and HSPA, as we move forward," stated Kristin Paulin, Research Analyst- North America & Caribbean, Informa Telecoms & Media.


Worldwide, there are 412 commercial networks in 157 countries that offer HSPA, including 163 HSPA+ commercial networks in 80 countries. These HSPA+ networks are at varying levels of technical enhancements: 112 networks at peak theoretical download throughput rates of 21 Mbps; 10 networks at peak theoretical download throughput rates of 28 Mbps; and 41 networks at peak theoretical download throughput rates of 42 Mbps.

Источник: Cellular news

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