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Brazil's GVT ponders $500m investment in international cable link

13 сентября 2011

Brazilian telecom operator GVT plans to invest between $300 million and $500 million in an international telecommunications link, together with other partners, GVT's chief executive, Amos Genish, said Monday.

The link would take about 18 months to build and the company aims to start work on it next year, Genish told reporters on the sidelines of a telecommunications conference.

The international link will help with the company's plans to ramp up its expansion within Brazil. GVT will invest at least 10 billion Brazilian reais ($6 billion) over the next five years, Genish said.

In 2011 alone the company plans to invest BRL1.8 billion, up 40% from last year, the executive said.

One of the biggest strategic developments for this year is the launch of its pay TV service, which will be unveiled in coming days, Genish said.

The company has put on hold for now any plans to launch in Brazil's largest city, Sao Paulo, preferring instead to focus on smaller cities in the state of Sao Paulo, Genish said. There's less competition and more demand in those cities, he said.

Источник: Total Telecom

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