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AT&T/T-Mobile: Nationwide LTE Within 6 Years

06 сентября 2011

AT&T Inc. could take up to six years to complete nationwide deployment of Long Term Evolution (LTE), even if it manages to complete its planned US$39 billion acquisition of T-Mobile USA .

That's a fascinating footnote to be found in the leaked AT&T letter hosted by DSL Reports. The document lays out some of the reasons why AT&T wants T-Mobile to move from a planned 80 percent national coverage with the 4G technology to 97 percent of the U.S. population:

The combined company will deploy LTE to more than 97.3 percent of the U.S. population within six years of the merger closing. The geographic coverage footprint for this LTE deployment corresponds to the geographic coverage footprint AT&T expects to have by the end of 2013, plus additional T-Mobile USA sites.

So even if it completes the T-Mobile merger by early 2012, something that seems unlikely with the U.S. Department of Justice now involved, AT&T has given itself until 2018 to reach 97 percent coverage.

The 2013 footprint that AT&T mentions is going to require updating 44,000 nodes with LTE. On its own, AT&T expects to cover 70 million Americans with LTE by the end of 2011, 170 million by the end of 2012 and 250 million by the end of 2013.

LTE rival Verizon Wireless expects to cover 185 million people with the 4G update by the end of 2011.

In the meantime, AT&T users can fall back to 21Mbit/s HSPA+ 3G. The letter states that AT&T expects to cover 97 percent of the population with that network by the end of 2012.

Источник: Unstrung

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