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Italy gets €2.3bn in offers for 4G frequencies before auction

31 августа 2011

Italy's government Tuesday said it had received initial offers worth a combined EUR2.3 billion for the new fourth-generation mobile frequencies it will put up for auction.

The industry ministry said in a statement it had received offers from telecommunications operators including Telecom Italia SpA, Vodafone Group Plc, Wind Telecommunicazioni SpA of VimpelCom Ltd. and Hutchison Whampoa Ltd.'s 3 Italia.

The ministry, which invited offers earlier in the day, said it will start the auction Wednesday and allow the contenders to raise their bids.

The latest generation, also known as 4G, allows users to send and receive data from their mobile devices more quickly. It is seen as encouraging the launch of new services such as high-definition mobile video.

Industry Minister Paolo Romani has previously said he expected proceeds from the auction to total at least EUR3.1 billion.

Источник: Total Telecom

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