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Nokia Invests in Mobile Content Investment Fund

31 августа 2011

Nokia has announced that it is investing in Vision+, an independently-run investment fund. Vision+ introduces a new funding model for venture investments where investments are made into product development projects with a clear target for market entry and commercialization.

Vision+ funded applications and games development projects for Nokia supported platforms, especially for Windows Phone platform, are targeted for receiving marketing and other commercial support activities from Nokia to support their market entry.

The fund's focus is to take a unique approach in match-making application development projects directly with customers, resulting in new innovations coming onto the market more quickly. In addition, product developers will create and preserve their own intellectual property, helping them to grow the value of their companies, while Vision+ will share product revenues.

Nokia also announced that Tero Ojanperä, Executive Vice President and a member of the Nokia Leadership Team, will leave Nokia and resign from the Nokia Leadership Team at the end of his contract on September 30, 2011.

Tero, who currently serves as Executive Sponsor of Nokia's Bridge program, has been with Nokia for 21 years and has been a member of the Nokia Leadership Team since 2005.

He will take on a new role as Managing Partner of a new investment fund Vision+.


Источник: Cellular news

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