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Microsoft offers webOS developers free tools and phone to migrate to Windows Phone 7

23 августа 2011

Brandon Watson - the Microsoft director responsible for Windows Phone 7 developers – has been inundated with e-mail messages following a Twitter post stating Microsoft would help webOS developers move to the Windows Phone platform.

His post stated: "To any published webOS Devs: We'll give you what you need to be successful on #WindowsPhone, incl.free phones, dev tools, and training, etc."

Brandon Watson urged Twitter users to send him an e-mail to receive a starter pack. He tweeted that Microsoft was reworking its CRM system to handle interest from webOS developers. Microsoft has also put developers in contact with "mobile champs" who provide the relevant hardware and network access.

On the Precentral forum for webOS developers, one user commented: "They [Microsoft] badly need app developers and its easier to convert webOS developers than Android or iOS. Surprised they aren't making the same pitch to RIM developers."

Ovum principal analyst Tony Cripps said: "It is not an immediate fix for Microsoft, because webOS developers will still need to redevelop their app. But joining Microsoft's ecosystem is a sensible decision for some developers who feel left out by HP."

Источник: Computer Weekly

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