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China Mobile Boss Sentenced to Death for Bribery

25 июля 2011

China Mobile's former Vice Chairman and Executive Director, Mr Zhang Chunjiang has been sentenced to death following the conviction for bribery. The sentence has been suspended for two years, and pending good behaviour it may then be commuted to life in prison.

The court in North China's Hebei province found that Zhang, took US$1.15 million in bribes between 1994 and 2009 when he was deputy director of the Liaoning provincial postal administration, general manager of China Netcom Group Corporation, and Party chief as well as deputy general manager of China Mobile.

He was arrested in December 2009, while still at China Mobile and dismissed a couple of weeks later. At the time, the official Chinese news agency, Xinhua said that the investigation related to "serious breaches of party discipline", which is usually code for an investigation into allegations of corruption.

Chinese authorities are currently carrying out a wide-ranging investigation into further allegations of corruption at the country's three state-controlled telecoms networks, China Mobile, China Unicom and China Telecom.

The passports of several mid-level managers have been confiscated during the investigation.

The Chinese government has periodic high-profile purges associated with corruption scandals, especially at state-linked companies, although the probes could be a cleaning up exercise prior to the oft-rumoured intention to list the companies on the Shanghai stock market.

Источник: Cellular news

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