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Chinese smartphone shipments to jump 53% this year

18 июля 2011

Smartphone shipments to China are set to soar 53% this year as lower prices and a government crackdown on counterfeit and quasi-legal competitors stimulates demand, according to market researcher IHS iSuppli.

The unit of IHS Corp. expects domestic smartphone shipments will rise to 54.1 million units in China this year. The research firm sees homegrown electronics giants ZTE Corp. and Huawei Technologies Co. accounting for more than 10 million and 15 million of those units, respectively.

"China's domestic smartphone market is booming in 2011 as prices for handsets and 3G services fall," IHS research director Kevin Wang said."Consumer demand also is being stimulated by the arrival of compelling mobile Internet applications."

The figures for China exclude smuggled Apple Inc. iPhones and HTC Corp. phones sold in China, which together accounted for an estimated 7 million units last year.

Shipments of so-called gray-market handsets, which are considered illegal in the country, should peak around 255 million units this year before falling to 213 million units in 2012, IHS predicted.

The Chinese market for these phones will likely see lower revenue this year despite an increase in unit shipments as stronger supervision of gray-market handsets and a serious crackdown on counterfeit mobile phones cuts into profits, the research firm said.

Источник: Total Telecom

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