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HTC buys S3 Graphics for US$300m

07 июля 2011

Mobile handset maker HTC said Wednesday its unaudited second-quarter net profit more than doubled from a year earlier due to strong sales of smartphones and in a sign that it is keen on growing in overseas markets, it announced the purchase of U.S.-based S3 Graphics for US$300 million.

HTC said in a statement the acquisition of California-based graphics technology licensing firm S3 Graphics will help enhance its multimedia capabilities. Although HTC has gained prominence in the smartphone space through its fast adoption of Google Inc.'s Android software, analysts have said the company will face difficulties differentiating its product from a slew of similar Android models hitting the market. HTC has increasingly turned to acquisitions to grow its software capabilities. In addition to Wednesday's purchase of 3S Graphics, the company said in February it plans to acquire London-based mobile-platform company Saffron Digital for GBP30.2 million ($48.6 million) and take a $40 million stake in U.S.-based on-demand games company Onlive Inc.

HTC, whose market capitalization is close to US$30 billion, is the world's largest maker of mobile phones using Microsoft Corp.'s Windows operating system by shipments. It has been growing rapidly in terms of shipments and market share in Asia, the U.S. and Europe in recent years. Market-research firm Gartner Inc. forecasts Android-based phones will account for 49% of the world's smartphone market by 2012, up from about 23% in 2010.

The Taoyuan-based company said in a separate statement its unaudited net profit for the three months ended June 30 surged to NT$17.52 billion (US$607.26 million) from NT$8.64 billion a year earlier. Its second-quarter revenue more than doubled to NT$124.40 billion from NT$60.96 billion a year earlier.

HTC, whose revenue from overseas markets has grown quickly on its early adoption of the Android platform for smartphones, didn't comment on the results. Following a decline of almost 16% in its share price since April, analysts said the strong results will help restore investors' confidence in the company.

"HTC has not announced gross margin and shipments (for the second quarter) yet, but I estimate the gross margin will be similar to first-quarter's 29.3% and shipments will be in the neighborhood of 11.5 million units, the high end of the company's guidance," said Samsung Securities analyst Birdy Lu.

HTC said earlier it shipped 9.7 million phones in the first quarter.

He said the second-quarter earnings growth was fueled by overseas demand for HTC's fourth-generation Thunderbolt and Inspire handsets sold in the U.S. and for other third-generation handsets sold in Europe and Asia.

Yuanta Securities analyst Bonnie Chang said the sale of recently released models such as the Sensation and ChaCha would be key to HTC's revenue in the third quarter, while growth in the fourth-quarter would depend on the release of new dual-core, 4G and mid-end smartphone models.

Lu said he expects HTC's handset shipments to grow 10% to 15% in the third quarter from the second quarter, and added demand from the U.S. and the launch of phones that will be capable of running three-dimensional movies will be key growth catalysts.

Источник: Total Telecom

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