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2.5bn m-payments users by 2015

29 июня 2011

The number of mobile payment service users worldwide will grow by 40% to 2.5 billion by 2015, with the Indian subcontinent and the Far East and China regions together accounting for almost half of the total, according to a new report from Juniper Research.

The number of people using their phones to pay for digital goods will hit 1.8 billion this year, the analyst firm said.

Its Mobile Payments for Digital & Physical Goods report shows that the Far East and China will lead the world with 29% of all users, followed by the Indian subcontinent with 17%.

Mobile tickets for transport and entertainment were named as two of the industry's key drivers.

Digital goods purchased via a mobile phone include ringtones, tickets and games, with prices typically ranging from a few cents to $20, Juniper Research explained. The report also covers the purchase of physical goods, which essentially means Internet shopping with the mobile phone used as the access point.

The firm predicts that over $400 billion worth of mobile payment transactions for digital and physical goods will be processed by 2015. While the Far East and China remains a key contributor, accounting for 25% of the market, India's contribution in value terms falls to just 2%. North America leads the way with 35% of the market.

Источник: Total Telecom

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