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Mobile HD Voice Services Now Launched on 20 Networks

06 июня 2011

A new report by GSA (the Global mobile Suppliers Association) confirms how investments in HD Voice network upgrades and trials are expanding.

Mobile Hd Voice uses Adaptive Multi Rate Wideband technology (W-AMR) standardized by 3GPP, and enables high-quality voice calls in mobile networks and an improved user experience.

The report says that 40% of countries in the European Union have commercially launched mobile HD Voice services, or are engaged in trials and tests ahead of planned commercial introduction. Furthermore, operator investments in mobile HD Voice extend far beyond Europe.

The first commercial mobile HD Voice service was introduced in September 2009. HD Voice services are now launched on 20 mobile networks in 18 countries and territories - Armenia, Belgium, Canada, Croatia, Egypt, France, Hong Kong, India, Italy, La Rйunion, Luxembourg, Mauritius, Moldova, Romania, Russia, Spain, Turkey, and the UK.

Trials and network deployments of HD Voice ahead of planned commercial introduction are also progressing in Australia, Austria, the Dominican Republic, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Switzerland, UAE and the USA.

A total of 33 HD Voice-capable phones are available from leading manufacturers including Alcatel, HTC, LG, Nokia, Samsung, and Sony Ericsson. Many of the latest products are shipping with the HD Voice capability activated as default.

Alan Hadden, President of the GSA, said: "The availability of HD Voice on mobile networks is quickly spreading. HD Voice enabled by W-amr technology is the most significant development in the mobile voice service for many years."

The maximum benefits from using HD Voice on a mobile HD-capable network are realized or perceived when both calling and called party use HD Voice-capable phones. However, improvements in call quality are also observed even when calling a non-HD Voice phone, due to improvements in the acoustic performance and noise reduction capabilities present in most HD Voice phones.

Источник: Cellular news

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