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France Telecom, TeliaSonera win 4G spectrum in Spain

24 мая 2011

Spain's Ministry of Industry Monday said the local units of France Telecom and Sweden's TeliaSonera AB have won the first auction for new mobile spectrum in the country, as top operators Telefonica SA and Vodafone Group PLC weren't allowed to take part in the bidding.

The companies will pay Spain's government EUR168 million, in exchange for mobile spectrum that will allow them to launch high-speed, fourth-generation mobile services. The auction process will continue in the coming days, with more spectrum open to other operators, and will likely be completed by June 2, the ministry said.

Overall, Spain's government is looking to raise between EUR1.5 billion and EUR2 billion by selling off all available spectrum, as it seeks to lower its budget deficit to 6% of gross domestic product this year, from 9.2% last year.

France Telecom's Orange has committed to investing EUR431 million until December 2013, and will receive spectrum in the 900 megahertz band, while TeliaSonera's Yoigo will invest EUR300 million and secure spectrum in the 1,800 MHz band.

Источник: Total Telecom

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