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EU pushes investment in data-rich Internet

04 мая 2011

€600 million project to foster development of solutions aimed at managing traffic growth. Work began Tuesday on a robust new architecture for a future Internet capable of handling an "exponential" increase in data volumes.

The European Commission announced it is investing an initial EUR90 million in the first phase of a five-year public-private partnership, matched by funding from private companies and organizations across the European Union.

"The Internet economy will be growing to 5.8% of GDP, or almost EUR800 billion, by 2014. But we are only at the beginning of the Internet era," said Neelie Kroes, the commissioner responsible for the EU's digital agenda.

Internet data traffic is growing by 60% a year, the commission says, and the project is designed to boost innovation and develop Internet solutions "capable of managing the exponential increase in [mobile] online data."

Eventually, the commission has promised a EUR300 million investment, matched by the private sector, with Kroes equally concerned by a desire to "safeguard European values like privacy, openness and diversity."

Initial projects being funded include Internet tools for things like electricity management at community level--new governments invariably find vast differences in billing across departments--ahead of a large-scale trial.

Источник: Total Telecom

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