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Vodafone Pays $5 Billion to Buy Out its Indian Shareholders

31 марта 2011

In a terse statement that lacked any of the usual chatter about how happy everyone is with the deal, Vodafone has announced that it is paying US$5 billion to buy 22% of its Indian subsidiary. The transaction occurred after co-shareholder, Essar Group exercised its underwritten put option over 22% of Vodafone Essar Limited (VEL)

Following the exercise by the Essar Group of its put option, Vodafone has exercised its call option over the remaining 11% of VEL owned by the Essar Group resulting in a total cash payment of US$5 billion. Final settlement is anticipated to be no later than November 2011.

Vodafone Group's published net debt figure already includes this US$5 billion.

Suspicions that Essar Group was looking to do something with its stake have heightened recently after the group repaid debt that was secured on its 11% stake in the mobile network. It had also been seeking to merge the two indirect holding companies that owned the shares in a move which was opposed by Vodafone as it was thought the company might seek a valuation greater than the US$5 billion put option.

The Essar Group is also named in the ongoing telecoms scandal that has rocked India and was accused earlier this week of using Loop Telecom as a front company to buy its own GSM licenses in order to set up another mobile network of its own in competition with Vodafone.

Источник: Cellular news

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