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India mobile subscribers topped 770m in January

09 марта 2011

India's mobile subscriber base rose to 771.2 million at the end of January 2011, up from 752.2 million in December 2010, according to the latest figures from the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI), which revealed that mobile penetration reached 64.7%.

Interestingly, the regulator's statistics published on Monday also showed that the growth of rural subscribers outstripped growth in urban areas.

The TRAI said that the number of rural customers edged up by 3.2% to 258.9 million in January from 250.9 million a month earlier, and now account for 33.58% of the national total. By comparison, the number of urban subscribers grew by 2.2% to 512.3 million from 501.3 million.

"The share of urban subscribers has declined to 66.42% from 66.65%," said the TRAI, in a statement.

Market leader Bharti Airtel saw its share of India's crowded mobile market decline slightly in January to 20.20% from 20.27% (see chart). Number two operator Reliance Communications grew its share of the market by 0.01 percentage points to reach 16.71%, while the market share of India's third-biggest mobile provider by subscribers Vodafone Essar stayed flat at 16.52%.

India's state-owned operators BSNL and MTNL each saw their market shares decline during January by 0.01 and 0.02 percentage points respectively.

"Private operators hold 87.78% of the wireless market share whereas BSNL and MTNL... hold only 12.22%," said the watchdog.

Meanwhile the TRAI said the number of fixed broadband subscribers in India reached 11.2 million at the end of January, up from 10.92 million a month earlier

Источник: Total Telecom

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