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Worldwide telecoms software market to grow to USD29.5 billion in 2014

14 февраля 2011

The worldwide telecoms software market is forecast to grow from USD20.1 billion in 2009 to USD29.5 billion in 2014, at a CAGR of 7.9%, according to the latest report from Analysys Mason.

“Economic recovery has been gradual, but uncertainty will persist in 2011,” says Patrick Kelly, Research Director at Analysys Mason and leader of the Service Assurance research programme. “The telecoms software forecast depends on overall economic conditions. We forecast that telecoms software spending will grow at about twice the rate of worldwide economic growth.”

The mobile segment will experience the highest growth rate, while the residential broadband and business service segments will achieve more moderate growth. Spending on mobile software will grow at a 10% CAGR, driven by growth in subscriber numbers in emerging markets and the need to support mobile broadband – particularly in mature markets.

“Communications service providers (CSPs) in all markets are launching increasingly complex service offers, and require enhanced customer care, billing, service assurance and service fulfilment systems to support them,” says Mark H. Mortensen, Principal Analyst and leader of the Service Fulfilment and Customer Care research programmes.

Service delivery platforms (SDPs) and customer care will be the fastest-growing telecoms software segments. The worldwide customer care market will grow from USD2.1 billion in 2009 to USD3.3 billion in 2014. The SDP market will grow from USD3.4 billion in 2009 to USD6.8 billion in 2014 and will account for 23% of the worldwide telecoms software market, overtaking the billing segment to claim the largest market share.

“Competitive pressures in all markets is driving high growth in spending on SDPs, which enable new services and make CSPs more responsive in offering those new services,” says Peter Mottishaw, Principal Analyst and leader of the Service Delivery Platform Strategies and Billing research programmes.

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