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Global tablet shipments to surge twelvefold by 2015

08 февраля 2011

Global shipments of tablet computers are expected to rise to 242.3 million units in 2015, a twelvefold improvement from the researcher's finalized 2010 figure, as demand skyrockets for a once sleepy niche of the mobile personal computer market.

Media tablet shipments are forecast to rise to more than 202 million units in 2015, up from 17.4 million in 2010. Shipments of PC-type tablets, or tablets that have full PC functionality through a PC operating system, will jump to 39.3 million units from 2.3 million over the same period.

ISuppli director Rhoda Alexander said the tablet market's expansion would be driven over three waves of growth. Alexander said the first wave, which hit the market this year and in 2010, was created by the arrival of Apple Inc.'s  iPad and the ensuing tsunami of demand for the device. Apple last month reported it sold 7.3 million iPads in its fiscal first quarter, a figure that impressed analysts.

The second wave, arriving this year and in 2012, will be propelled by a number of iPad competitors, particularly Google Inc.'s Android-based models. The third wave, which will begin in 2013, will consist of a flood of models based on Microsoft Corp.'s Windows operating system, which will expand the reach of tablets into traditional computer markets, Alexander said.

While iSuppli said the iPad will lead annual tablet shipments through 2012, it believes the company will lose some market share to rivals. However, iSuppli did note new model introductions this year and in 2012 will continue to boost iPad volumes and allow Apple "to maintain a premium for its newest models."

By 2013, iSuppli estimates the iPad's market share will decline to less than 50% of overall tablet shipments.

"The year 2013 will mark a critical juncture, as the tablet market turns into a battleground between media tablets using mobile operating systems, and PC-type tablets employing the Windows operating system," Alexander said. "Add to this mix the competition from ever-improving smartphones, and the mobile device market will get very interesting."

Источник: Total Telecom

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