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Indosat and Nokia Siemens Networks explore opportunities for mobile web

03 февраля 2011

Indosat subscribers will soon be able to enjoy new and innovative mobile applications. The operator recently launched its Application Incubator Program to encourage and support the developer community to build differentiated mobile applications.

Nokia Siemens Networks is supporting this program with its cloud-based platform that will allow developers to use telecom network assets of Indosat to build more engaging and efficient applications.

Nokia Siemens Networks’ cloud-based telco asset marketplace development platform, will allow application developers to access network assets easily and at a low cost. Cloud computing technology removes the need for any large capital investment, normally required for development platforms. Furthermore, the telco asset marketplace will be tightly integrated with Nokia Siemens Networks’ Service Delivery Framework (SDF) deployed at Indosat.

“Application developers, who build applications for different handsets, operating systems and the mobile web will benefit from the messaging and charging capabilities as well as the location information that we naturally possess as a service provider,” said Stephen Hobbs, director and chief technology officer Indosat. “Nokia Siemens Networks’ telco asset marketplace will facilitate a cost-effective and collaborative application development platform along with accelarating the development of a vibrant developer community.”

Telco asset marketplace will allow Indosat to safely open up its network Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) to developers, using best-practice security mechanisms and controls. The developers will be able to monetize their applications more easily by allowing application purchases to be charged to a subscriber’s prepaid or postpaid account. This is particularly attractive in markets, wherein there is relatively low use of credit and debit cards. 

“The provision of advanced tools will help Indosat attract a high number of developers and also benefit from reduced time-to-market for the introduction of new applications,” said Harald Preiss, head of the Indosat customer team at Nokia Siemens Networks. “This initiative will go a long way towards positioning Indosat at the forefront of application and service innovation, where currently, web and IT players have first mover advantage.”

At Mobile World Congress, 2011 in Barcelona, Nokia Siemens Networks will showcase telco asset marketplace along with other new cloud based solutions. These include a messaging portal, which provides operators with a new business platform for messaging services, using the social media channels, a connectivity trading marketplace that helps operators to sell as well as buy connectivity and capacity on-demand and a machine-to-machine platform based on cloud.

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