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Flexible Display Screen Manufacturer Gets Russian Investment

18 января 2011

Plastic Logic - a company that has developed a flexible electronic display screen has signed a deal to build a second factory, this time in Russia as part of a joint venture with the Russian Corporation of Nanotechnologies (RUSNANO). Under the terms of agreement RUSNANO also intends to make a significant investment in the company.

Plastic Logic said it will continue to house its core R&D facility in Cambridge, England, as well as maintain its commercial factory in Dresden, Germany and corporate headquarters in California.

Plastic Logic's first application of its plastic electronics technology makes possible an amazingly thin, lightweight, robust and flexible active matrix display that is unmatched in the marketplace. The display is at the core of Plastic Logic's first commercial consumer electronics product, a next-generation electronic reader for business that is currently under development.

"The production facility for the next generation of plastic displays will become the first step to establish the new branch of a electronics industry in Russia. By the time of the launch, the Russian facility will be the world's most advanced fabrication plant in the plastic electronics industry," said RUSNANO Managing Director Georgy Kolpachev.

Founded in 2000 by researchers from the Cambridge University Cavendish Laboratory in the UK, Plastic Logic opened its first manufacturing facility in Dresden, Germany in 2008, where it will continue with production of the company's first commercial product.

"RUSNANO's investment will enable us to dramatically expand operations in support of volume production of our next-generation products, and to continue to advance our technology platform to deliver on our broader long-term vision," said Plastic Logic CEO Richard Archuleta.


Источник: Cellular news

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