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Smartphones Being Used for Holiday Shopping

24 декабря 2010

According to a survey conducted by Q&A Research and marketing firm Thomas/Ferrous, many American consumers are now integrating the use of smartphones into their shopping behavior.

A national sample of 424 adults shows that 43% report owning a smartphone, up significantly from 28% the previous year. Among these smartphone owners, 47% have used their smartphone to purchase a product or service.

For the 2010 holiday shopping season, one-third of smartphone owners anticipate making a purchase using a mobile application or a mobile website. Male smartphone owners are twice as likely as female owners to do so.

Smartphone owners who intend to make a purchase using a mobile application or a mobile website this holiday season cited the following key reasons:

  • 69% like being able to purchase from any location
  • 43% feel it's as easy to make a purchase using a smartphone as it is a computer
  • 40% don't always have access to a computer

Conversely, smartphone owners who do not intend to make a purchase using a mobile application or a mobile website this holiday season cited the following key reasons:

  • 77% feel it's not as easy to make a purchase using a smartphone as it is a computer
  • 34% don't believe that making purchases through a phone is secure
  • 19% don't want shopping on their smartphone to impact their data plan

"This holiday shopping season will definitely be impacted by smartphone purchasing," says Jay Thomas, president of Thomas/Ferrous, a Sacramento-based marketing and design firm. "Those marketers who weren't ready for it must now react and implement a strategy for 2011."


Источник: Cellular news

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