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Google hires networking guru to build fibre network

17 декабря 2010

Google has hired networking expert Milo Medin, a well-known Silicon Valley engineer widely credited with helping to promote early systems that evolved into the modern Internet, to help build the company's experimental fiber network.

Google representatives said Medin was hired this week as vice president of access services. He will be given the task of managing the Google Fiber team, and overseeing "the build-out of our ultra high-speed network," they said. Google announced earlier this year that it plans to build a trial fiber network in select locations, capable of Internet speeds 100 times faster than existing technologies.

Medin said in a statement Wednesday that Google will make an announcement about communities selected for the fiber trial early next year.

Medin is perhaps best known for his role in starting At Home Corp., the cable Internet access provider that eventually merged with portal Excite Inc. to form Internet-bubble flameout Excite@Home Inc. in 1999.

Excite@Home folded as a result of complicated relationships with cable companies and tough competition from dominant portals of the era such as Yahoo Inc.

In a 2006 interview, Medin shrugged off that company's failure."You can't get religious about these things," he said then.

More recently, Medin spent several years helping run M2Z Networks Inc., an ambitious start-up backed by venture-capital firms including Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers.

Kleiner Perkins Partner John Doerr was an early investor in Google, and now sits on the company's board of directors. Doerr was also an early backer of At Home, and had recruited Medin to help get At Home off the ground in the 1990s.

M2Z Networks, launched in 2004, was an effort co-founded with former Federal Communications Commission official John Muleta. The firm attempted to provide free, nationwide wireless broadband access to nearly everyone in the U.S.

Medin began his career with NASA's Ames Research Center in 1985. He went on to promote the use of TCP/IP networking protocol, which ultimately became the standard means for disparate networks to blend into a unified Web.

At Google, Medin will be able to work with a deep-pocketed company interested in expanding options for delivering Internet access.

In addition to its fiber network, other initiatives at Google aimed at expanding Internet use--and exposure to the company's advertising and services--have included lobbying the FCC for Internet use of "white spaces" TV spectrum, and bidding for a piece of licensed wireless spectrum at auction.

Источник: Total Telecom

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