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EU's Cyber-security Agency Highlights Risks & Opportunities of Smartphones

13 декабря 2010

A report by Europe's Network and Information Security Agency has warned of the security risks that could occur from the increased use of smartphones by business and government employees.

"Given the growing importance of smartphones for EU businesses, governments and citizens, we consider it essential to assess their security and privacy implications," says Prof. Dr.Udo Helmbrecht, Executive Director of ENISA.

Some of the key risks identified by the Agency include the accidental leakage of sensitive data -e.g. through GPS data attached to images; Data theft by malicious apps and from stolen, lost or decommissioned phones; and the potential overload of network infrastructure by smartphone applications.

In terms of opportunities, backup is often very well integrated into smartphone platforms, making it easy to recover data if the phone is lost or stolen. Another opportunity lies in the use of app-stores: "Most smartphone users only install 3rd party software through controlled software distribution channels," says Dr. Marnix Dekker, co-author of the report.

The most important result of the report is a comprehensive set of strategies for securing smartphones. "Smartphones are a goldmine of sensitive and personal information - it's vital to understand how to maintain our control over this data. We've designed our recommendations to plug into a typical security policy," says Dr. Giles Hogben, co-author of the report.

The full report can be downloaded from http://enisa.europa.eu/smartphonesecurity/

Источник: Cellular news

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