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Chrome market will want tablets not netbooks

09 декабря 2010

Google’s lightweight operating system come browser, with a 10 second boot time is ideal for the increasing number of people who need to access or record information in their daily work, but are seldom at a desk with a PC and ethernet connection.

“If, as Google hopes, a significant proportion of organisations store their information in the cloud then there is no need for these workers to have a portable device that replicates all bits and functions of a desktop PC, along with the ‘bloated’ OS required to run it.

“However, given that a USP of Chrome is the ‘instant on’, will these workers want it on a device such as netbook or even the Cr-48 ‘pilot device’ laptop being offered by Google for testing? No they will want a tablet.

“Whether Google likes it or not, its former ‘partner’ Apple has all of the current mind share on web connected devices with its iPad tablet – a product that has seriously dented the netbook market. Google of course has positioned its Android OS for tablets and smartphones, and it is doing very well in the latter. But a tablet as demonstrated by the iPad is great for web browsing and Chrome is a browser, so should be a perfect fit

“With a base price of £429 it is older workers that are purchasing them personally and using for work related tasks. Apple has the jump on Google in this market, and it will have a second version of the iPad with an updated version of its own iOS before Chrome is officially released to the world in the second half of 2011.

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