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France prepares for 1H 2011 mobile spectrum allocation

06 декабря 2010

In preparation for the award of spectrum for the rollout of high-speed mobile services, French regulator Arcep on Friday said it is getting ready to call for applications.

"The spectrum is expected to be awarded to the winning candidates in the first half of 2011, so paving the way for the introductions of ultra high-speed mobile services in the coming years," an announcement from Arcep read.

The regulator plans to award spectrum in the 800-MHz and 2.6-GHz bands; the TDD portion of the 2.6-GHz spectrum will be allocated after the FDD portion and the 800-MHz spectrum.

In the meantime, Arcep is granting what it refers to as "temporary authorisations" to enable would-be spectrum winners to conduct technical trials before the deadline for the submission of applications.

It is calling on potential triallists to submit requests for temporary authorisation within a timeframe that will enable the request to be processed and trials to take place before the allocation process gets underway. In order to grant a request the regulator will have to enter into dialogue with the current holders of the spectrum in question: the Ministry of Defence in the case of the 2.6-GHz band and French Broadcasting Authority for 800-MHz spectrum.

In the case of the 800-MHz band, Arcep is willing to consider all applications for trials submitted before 15 January.

Источник: Total Telecom

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