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Verizon to turn on LTE network on Sunday

02 декабря 2010

Verizon Wireless, a joint operation of Verizon Communications Inc. and Vodafone Group PLC, said it will turn on its fourth-generation wireless mobile broadband network on Sunday.

With the launch of the network--which Verizon said is up to 10 times faster than its third-generation, or 3G, network--the company also is offering mobile broadband data plans of $50 a month for five gigabytes of monthly access and $80 a month for 10GB of access. Those plans are in line with the company's 3G pricing.

Verizon Wireless will offer two 4G USB modems--an LG Electronics Inc. model available at launch and a Pantech model available "soon," the company said.

The network is slated to initially launch in 38 major metropolitan areas and more than 60 commercial airports. Street-level coverage maps will be available online Saturday, and customers can check on Verizon Wireless's website on Wednesday to see if their addresses will be in the initial coverage area.

Fourth-generation technology is the next step for wireless carriers, which are fiercely competing for customers. Sprint Nextel Corp. and Clearwire Corp. collaborated on the first cellular 4G network in the U.S., which uses a different technology than Verizon's networks.

Verizon shares were recently up 1.4% at $32.47 amid a sharp market rally.

Источник: Total Telecom

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