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LTE-Advanced Passes Final ITU Vote, Officially 4G

29 ноября 2010

A next-generation version of LTE has passed its final ratification as a fourth-generation technology, 3GPP trade group 4G Americas announced today.

The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) voted that LTE-Advanced met the criteria for IMT-Advanced technology, commonly referred to as 4G. The ITU also voted that WirelessMAN-Advanced, a key part to WiMAX IEEE 802.16m, also passed 4G criteria.

Chris Pearson, president of 4G Americas, says the ITU’s decision will help spur global adoption of LTE technology.

“Governments around the world look at these for standardized technology,” he says. “It’s an important step for the ITU to ratify that work and say it meets their requirements. It paves the way for that technology to be deployed in the future.”

One of the key ingredients for LTE-Advanced will be access to large swaths of contiguous spectrum. 4G Americas has not made predictions on when LTE-Advanced will come to market, but Pearson says third-party research indicates deployments could begin as soon as 2012. Other estimates push LTE-Advanced deployments out to the middle of the next decade.

LTE-Advanced technology will now move into the final stage of the IMT-Advanced process, which provides for the development in early 2012 of an ITU recommendation specifying the in-depth technical standards.

LTE-Advanced is the future evolution of LTE and will be standardized by the 3GPP in Release 10 to meet the ITU’s requirements. Preliminary research for technologies that qualify for the ITU’s 4G status focus on technologies capable of delivering peak data rates of 1Gbps in hot spot locations and 100Mbps in a mobile environment. Radio channels to support such networks are expected to be in excess of 20 MHz, according to 4G Americas.



Источник: Wireless Week

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