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Mobile shoppers to account for 28% of holiday spending

23 ноября 2010

Mobile shopping "warriors" (i.e., hyper-connected individuals and "warrior wannabes" (moderately connected individuals) will account for $127 billion in consumer spending during the 2010 holiday season, representing 28 percent of the $447 billion the National Retail Federation forecasts U.S. consumers will spend over the next few weeks, according to a new study conducted by research firm IDC.

More than a third of smartphone-carrying consumers indicate readiness to use their mobile devices to shop more effectively and efficiently, especially in traditional brick-and-mortar retail stores; shoppers are searching for price and product information, checking merchandise availability, comparing prices at nearby stores, browsing product previews and purchasing goods.

Adults aged 25 to 44 years make up nearly two thirds of the mobile shopping warrior segment despite representing less than half of consumers surveyed, IDC notes. In addition, adults aged 45 to 54 years were the most likely to leverage mobile data to their advantage, like asking merchants for a better price to match one they find on their handset while in the store. While the influence of social media outlets on buying decisions is growing, IDC states that retailers remain the most important source of information shaping purchase decisions: "Consumers' increased comfort with using their smartphones to go online anywhere combined with their plans to use them more in the 2010 holiday season signals the beginning of a significant shift away from the capacity of the store channel to hold sway over consumers as they move to a purchase decision," said IDC Retail Insights program director Greg Girard in a statement.

Источник: FierceMobileContent

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