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Tele2 Launches LTE Network in Sweden

15 ноября 2010

Sweden's Tele2 has announced the launch of its 4G LTE network in Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmц and Karlskrona, offering theoretical peak downloads of up to 80 Mbps.

"Today is a great day as we open the 4G network in the major cities of Sweden while the roll-out continues at a rapid pace all over the country. More and more people cut fixed telephony at home to become mobile. The same development will happen on the fixed broadband market with the 4G technology. Today we are proud to open the doors to what will be Sweden's most comprehensive 4G network," says Niclas Palmstierna, CEO of Tele2 Sweden.

The roll-out of the LTE network continues so in 2011 many of Sweden's cities will be covered by 4G. The goal is to cover 99% of the population with 4G by the end of 2012.

The network infrastruture is being built as a joint venture with Telenor.


Источник: Cellular news

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