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DoCoMo to Invest $3.3 Billion on LTE Rollout

08 ноября 2010

Japan's DoCoMo expects to spend US$3.3 billion deploying its LTE network to the country's major cities over the next two years. The initial rollout will be in about 1,000 base stations in Tokyo, Osaka and Nagoya by the end of this year.

The initial rollout will cost around US$400 million by the end of March 2011.

In the next fiscal year, starting in April 2011, the network operator is planning to add an additional 4,000 base stations - at a cost of US$1.2 billion - increasing coverage to 20% of the population, up from the initial 7% at launch. The third phase will take the company until March 2013, when the company will add a further 15,000 base stations to reach around 40% of the population.

Источник: Cellular news

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