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Annual tablet shipments to top 80 million by 2015

01 ноября 2010

Global tablet shipments will exceed 80 million per year by 2015, predicted Juniper Research on Friday, as a raft of competitors gear up to take on Apple in 2011.

Apple sold 4.2 million iPads during its fiscal fourth quarter, giving it a healthy head start in the tablet race.

However, Google's Android operating system (OS) is allowing both new players and existing device makers to join the market, said Juniper Research, with notable launches including the Dell Streak and Samsung's Galaxy Tab.

LG and Sony Ericsson are developing Android tablets as well, according to various reports in recent months, while Motorola this week reportedly launched a tablet running on Google's OS in India.

Although Android is expected to be the natural choice for iPad rivals, the research firm said it also expects devices using Windows Phone 7, Nokia and Intel's MeeGo OS, and QNX – which powers RIM's Blackberry Playbook tablet – to further ramp up competition in the tablet market in 2011.

Tech giant H-P last week unveiled its Windows 7-powered tablet, called the Slate 500,

“Competition to Apple is likely to arrive in earnest in 2011,” said a statement from Anthony Cox, senior analyst at Juniper Research. “Though by then Apple is likely to be ready to launch a new version of the iPad, reinforcing its market position.”

Juniper Research also warned that longer-established smartphone players have the most ground to make up.

“The quality of both Apple's iOS and the Android operating system has affected RIM, Microsoft and Nokia the most,” said Juniper Research. “These companies have all developed new operating systems, but they are taking a long time to bring products to the market.”

North America is currently the world's largest tablet market, followed closely by Western Europe. Juniper Research expects the picture to remain largely unchanged by 2015, with the Far East including China becoming the third-largest market for tablet devices

Источник: Total Telecom

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