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EMEA PC Market Recorded Sustained Growth at 10.5% in 3Q10

25 октября 2010

The PC market in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa maintained positive trends in the back-to-school season, but growth softened from the strong double-digits recorded in the first half of the year, says IDC.

EMEA PC shipments grew by 10.5% year on year in 3Q10, reaching a total of 27.8 million PCs during the quarter, with softer than expected growth in Western Europe, while demand across the CEE region again outpaced expectations and drove the region from a growth perspective.

After robust trends in 1H10, growth in Western Europe slowed to single-digits, with shipment levels recording a flat 0.5% growth year on year. The deceleration was directly impacted by weaker than expected mini notebook demand, which led to a 25% drop in shipment levels. Demand for netbooks had already started to slow down in prior quarters, but the arrival of new media tablets contributed to shifting interest further away and accelerated the trend. However, the market continued to benefit from sustained mainstream notebook renewals during the back-to-school season, albeit at a more moderate rate of 10.1%, constrained by high sell-in levels in the second quarter. And while sales out was stimulated by aggressive promotions through 1H10, lower promotional activity and higher price points this quarter led to a softer demand stimulation. On the business side, some renewal activity contributed to support positive growth, but the bulk of renewals are still expected for 2011, while uncertainty also prompted many SMBs to be cautious, with many opting to wait till the end of their fiscal year before engaging on renewals.

“Mainstream notebook renewals in the consumer space remained positive, with most countries in Western Europe recording double-digit growth in the back-to-school season, but high sell in levels in 2Q and less attractive price points, combined with the accelerated contraction of netbook shipments, led to softer consumer growth in 3Q," said Eszter Morvay, research manager, IDC EMEA PC Tracker. “Mini notebooks had started to slow down in 1H10, but increasing noise and announcements around Media Tablets have contributed to accelerating the trend, and also impacted notebook renewal intentions from a share of wallet standpoint. Some users already purchased an iPad, and many others adopted a wait and see position as more products develop towards Christmas”.

Growth in the CEE region remained unabated and the market continued to post outstanding double-digit trends, exceeding expectations again this quarter, with over 43% growth year on year, driven by continued strength and recovery across both commercial and consumer markets. In the Middle East, growth came in line with forecasts at 12.4%.

"In 3Q10, the PC market in the Central and Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and Africa (CEMA) region recorded staggering results, reaching volume of 11.2 million PCs and an increase of 29.4% year-on-year — far above expectations. PC boost came from the Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) region, with volume increase of 43.2% driven by both desktop and notebooks. Purchase from the consumer space is the fastest growing sector, with no sign of slowing down, and there is clear evidence of recovery in the commercial space in both public and corporate segments. The four largest countries in the region (Russia, Poland, Ukraine, Czech Republic) all recorded strong results thanks to demand for notebooks, also pushed by low-end products. The Middle East and Africa (MEA) region reported a 12.4% increase year-on-year, which was very close to expectations. The three largest countries in the region (Turkey, UAE, and South Africa) all reported double-digit growth. Like the CEE region, MEA also witnessed a stronger rise in notebook sales thanks to demand from both businesses and consumers," said Stefania Lorenz, research director, IDC CEMA.

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