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Enterprises still grappling with clouds

21 октября 2010

Many enterprises are still getting to grips with what exactly constitutes cloud computing and cloud services, claimed Global Crossing this week.

"Our [corporate] customers tend to fit into one of two categories," said Mike Benjamin, vice president of technology development at Global Crossing.

"Either they're very familiar with the term cloud computing, but they weren't aware of some of the aspects to it... [or] the other group of customers saw some headlines but they really didn't know anything about it," he said.

Benjamin explained to Total Telecom on Tuesday that part of the problem stems from the fact that the term 'cloud' covers a multitude of sins.

"When we dived into cloud computing we first figured out what this 'cloud' word was about and drew up a list of attributes," he said.

Some of the attributes that made Global Crossing's list are as follows: Cloud services are remotely consumable anywhere on the network and they are dynamically scalable, that is with no need for any human interaction from the customer side. They open up new models for billing for enterprise services; provide a cost-effective way of adding redundancy to mission critical applications and services; and offer enterprise-grade reliability and predictability.

"But if a customer really wanted to define cloud computing for themselves, they might come up with something completely different," he said.

When it comes to providing enterprise-grade cloud services, Benjamin believes network operators like Global Crossing are better-positioned than over-the-top service players.

"You can come at cloud services from two different sides – from the data centre and application side, and from the network side," he said. "We believe the network is very important."

Benjamin said cloud providers that own servers and applications but not the network are less equipped to provide enterprises with a high enough class of service.

"From an asset perspective it's easier to evolve from a network operator to an applications and servers provider than the other way round," he said.

"There are some that are addressing enterprises, but there are a lot of no frills organisations that offer consumer-level cloud services that address different needs," he added.

Источник: Total Telecom

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