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EU telecoms chief sees no future for roaming charges

24 сентября 2010

The European Commissioner for telecommunications Neelie Kroes Thursday said a true telecoms market in the European Union does not impose different costs when customers pass internal European borders.

"For me, a true digital market is a market where effective competition ensures that citizens, customers and businesses do not experience substantially different services or costs when they pass a border," Kroes said in a prepared speech.

"In this scenario the exorbitant cost of roaming abroad within the EU is an outdated concept," Kroes added.

The price differences between voice, text messages and data downloads should relate only to the actual cost of providing these services, Kroes said speaking to a room full of telecoms specialists and chief executives.

"I have set the achievement of such a true single market for telecoms as a key objective," Kroes said.

Kroes added that she will not be afraid to propose new measures to overcome the structural, economic and legal barriers

Источник: Total Telecom

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