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UK consumers waste £700m a year on high-speed broadband

06 сентября 2010

U.K. consumers are wasting £700 million per year paying for unnecessarily fast broadband connections, according to O2.

New research published by the operator on Friday showed that the average U.K. broadband customer pays for a monthly package that offers speeds of up to 20 Mbps. However, according to the study the vast majority of users are accessing services that only require a connection speed of around 8 Mbps.

As a result, customers are spending money on bandwidth they are not using. O2 estimates the total amount being wasted could be as much as £700 million per year, or £58 million per month.

"This research clearly highlights the need for the industry as a whole to re-think the way it sells broadband," said Sebastien Lahtinen, co-founder of broadband information Website thinkbroadband.com, in a statement.

"Consumers need to be educated about what kind of service they need to cover their daily usage and the industry needs to help them to make informed choices," he said.

The survey of 2,000 U.K. consumers found that 77% use the Internet primarily for emailing, while 74% spend most of their time browsing Websites.

In contrast, only 18% of the respondents said they access streaming media services such as BBC iPlayer most frequently, while the percentage of users who mainly use the Internet to download music and films is 5% and 3% respectively.

"62% of broadband consumers in our survey would prefer their ISP to provide packages based around their specific needs," said Felix Geyr, head of home and broadband at O2 UK.

"It would be much more transparent if we took the same 'a la carte' approach offered to customers buying digital TV packages, where people can opt in to obtain more expensive services like film and sport," he said.

The research coincides with O2's planned launch next week of three new fixed broadband packages called 'The Basics', 'The All Rounder' and 'The Works'. The tariffs have been marketed and priced according to consumption needs rather than headline connection speeds.

Источник: Total Telecom

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