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Telenor takes LTE to Hungary

25 августа 2010

The Hungarian subsidiary of European carrier Telenor has tapped Chinese equipment vendor ZTE to build a 4G LTE network supporting multi mode and multi band services.

Telenor, which used to operate under the brand name Pannon in Hungary, is the country’s second largest wireless carrier with 3.5 million subscribers at the end of June. The operator is sandwiched between T-Mobile with 4.8 million customers and Vodafone with 2.4 million.

Over the next five years ZTE will provide the company with radio and core infrastructure including its Uni-RAN platform and SDR functionality. The Chinese firm will expand and operate the GSM/UMTS/LTE network and deploy over 6,000 base stations, including LTE eNodeBs throughout the country.

In other LTE news, leading Italian operator, Telecom Italia, said it is undertaking a trial of LTE in collaboration with Nokia Siemens Networks (NSN) in Turin.

Источник: telecoms.com

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