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T-Mobile promises G2, first HSPA+ Android phone

19 августа 2010

T-Mobile USA said its first HSPA+ smartphone will be an Android-powered device called the G2. The company did not provide any further details, including the gadget's specifications, price or release date.

T-Mobile's announcement is not entirely a surprise. Reports circulated last month that T-Mobile was preparing to launch an HTC-made Android device in September as its first HSPA+ phone. HTC made the G1, the first phone running Google's Android platform, for T-Mobile. HTC also has a press conference set for Sept. 15 in London, likely to unveil a new gadget.

"The T-Mobile G2 will deliver tight integration with Google services and break new ground as the first smartphone designed to run at 4G speeds on our new HSPA+ network," T-Mobile stated on a webpage teasing the device. "In the coming weeks, we'll share more details about the G2 and offer exclusive first access to current T-Mobile customers."

T-Mobile plans to cover 100 major metropolitan areas--185 million people--with HSPA+ by year-end. The nation's No. 4 carrier currently has 50 markets and 85 million POPs covered with HSPA+, which can deliver theoretical peak speeds of 21 Mbps. T-Mobile has been marketing its HSPA+ service as delivering "4G" speeds.  

Источник: FierceWireless

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