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EMEA market dominated by incumbents

12 августа 2010

Infonetics Research just released its annual "EMEA Business VoIP Services Leadership Matrix," a report that analyzes and ranks the top IP Centrex service providers in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa (EMEA).

The report found that as companies compete nationally rather than regionally, the market was dominated by incumbent carriers. The top ten providers in the EMEA were Bezeq, BT, Orange, Netia, SFR, TDC, Telefonica O2, Telenor, T-Systems, and Vodafone.

The report noted that there were over 100 providers of hosted VoIP across the region and new services are going live every quarter. It was also interesting to note that while in North America only a few providers have broken the 100,000-seat mark, the top providers in the EMEA are all close to or exceeding 100,000 IP Centrex seats.

The matrix report is based on criteria to determine market leadership including number of IP Centrex subscribers/seats, financial stability, market strategy, service capabilities, and support options. It is meant to see which service providers currently lead the market and are best positioned to see long-term success.

Источник: FierceVoIP

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